Learning Outcome 1


Learning Outcome 1

During the beginning of the draft process, I was looking to just have words on the paper so that I could stay up with the class. Throughout the project, I was revising many times but some point in the project I was looking over what I had and made quite a bit of change. Some of the changes I made was making my sentences more in depth so that the reader could understand the point I was trying to prove to support my thesis. One part of my paper that I had to change was the paragraph about “the power of the human hand” and the support I had for it because I didn’t go into enough detail to contextualize it. “ People have the ability to make significant changes in the world but what they can’t see is that we won’t make any changes if they are not beneficial to us. Which is hard to believe but Jonathan Safran Foer  contemplates “Not believing in it whatever that would mean but willfully pushing the questions out of my mind.” Here I edited it in the final project so that it was more in depth and had better contextual evidence to make my point stronger.
